DaanMatch - Check-in#

đź“… Tue June 221th, 2022
đź•” 7:30am PST
đź”— https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85424693863?pwd=cWU0MTE4TnQwanZ2eXQrQ3FxOUs1QT09

1. Call to Order#




Now that you’re all experts in DT we can start moving much faster. :) We are defining the “problem space” we’re building solutions for.

Please take 30 minutes BEFORE Tuesday to do Prework Our second session wil focus on Impacts (and impact measurement), People, and Challenges

Use the direct mural link to see and work on the mural prior to Tuesday On Tuesday, Use zoom login to get our voices in the discussion.

I cleaned up the Vision statement based on the ppt vision I sent out after last Tuesday’s session. I also am preserving the team’s yellow stickies with dotted lines pointing to the vision outline you saw in my presentation. There’s also a group of our stickie Un assigned on the right.

Please review for a sanity test and feel free to change any objectionable wording by adding a new stickie we can compare to the old one.

We’ll review Vision on zoom Tuesday before going to the other areas



Please use the yellow stickies next to the Impact section to brainstorm impacts and impact measurement. per the canvas instructions:

Have we agreed upon measures of success? Specify how we will measure and report impact.

If we have any agreed measures of success but don’t have Vision statement that cover them, Please add a yellow stickie placeholder so we can also revisit it on Tuesday Please make a guesses if you don’t know what measures of success we can use.


Copy blank yellow stickies from the Impact blank group to avoid different sizes being used YOU CAN’T GAIN PRIORITY WITH BIGGER BOXES :)

Begin to list ANY user audiences and stakeholders as follows

Have we identified all the individuals who may influence the creation, delivery, and use of the solution we develop? Highlight the most important stakeholders and articulate their needs, goals, and/or motivations.


Have we identified what might prevent us from achieving our vision? List our key enablers, obstacles, and areas of opportunity.

Thanks! Alan