DaanMatch - Check-in#
📅 Wed May 25th, 2022
🕔 7:30am PST
🔗 https://meet.google.com/hnr-fwck-pod?authuser=0
1. Call to Order#
Patrick Guo - guopatrick.comping@gmail.com
Cara Foss Arellano - cara.arellano@berkeley.edu
Carlos Rubinstein - carlitos750@gmail.com
Kenneth Kron - kronsensei@gmail.com
Jaideep Misra - misrajaideep95@gmail.com
Shayeka Khan - shayekakhan@gmail.com
2. Preparation Items#
Review action items.
3. Silent Meeting#
10 minutes to read weekly reports.
Submit questions and new business agenda items.
4. Discussion#
Doug Powell - Cara’s friend - expert in alternative economy.
Please drop your ideas to in #crypto-blockchain-discussion on Slack. Aim to coordinate with Doug Powell tn determine the best overall solution for our needs.