Format of Registration Numbers#


The 12A number format in India is a 10-digit number that is used to identify charitable organizations that are registered under Section 12A of the Income Tax Act:

  • First two digits of the number are the year of registration

  • Next two digits are the state code

  • Next six digits are the organization’s registration number

  • Last digit is a check digit.

For example, the 12A number 12345678901 would be for a charitable organization that was registered in 2023 in the state of Maharashtra and has the registration number 1234567890.

The 12A number is used by the Income Tax Department to track charitable organizations and to identify them for tax benefits. It is also used by charitable organizations to file their income tax returns and to make tax payments.

  • Data Type: Numeric

  • Length: 10


The 35AC number format in India is a 15-digit number that is used to identify income tax returns:

  • First two digits of the number are the year of the assessment year

  • Next two digits are the state code,

  • Next six digits are the taxpayer’s PAN number

  • Last three digits are the serial number of the return.

For example, the 35AC number 1234567890123456 would be for an income tax return filed in the assessment year 2023-2024 by a taxpayer with PAN number 123456789012.

The 35AC number is used by the Income Tax Department to track income tax returns and to identify taxpayers. It is also used by taxpayers to file their income tax returns and to make tax payments.

  • Data Type: Numeric

  • Length: 15


There is no specific number format for 80G in India. The 80G deduction is a provision under the Income Tax Act, 1961, which allows taxpayers to claim a deduction from their taxable income for donations made to certain charitable organizations. The amount of deduction that can be claimed is limited to 100% of the taxpayer’s income, subject to certain conditions.

  • Data Type: Literal


The FCRA number format in India is a 15-digit number that is used to identify organizations that are registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA).

  • First two digits of the number are the year of registration

  • Next two digits are the state code

  • Next six digits are the organization’s registration number

  • Last three digits are a check digit.

For example, the FCRA number 1234567890123456 would be for an organization that was registered in 2023 in the state of Maharashtra and has the registration number 1234567890.

The FCRA number is used by the Ministry of Home Affairs to track organizations that are registered under the FCRA and to identify them for compliance purposes. It is also used by organizations that are registered under the FCRA to file their annual returns and to make tax payments.

  • Data Type: Numeric

  • Length: 15

Registration Number#

There is no specific number format for NGO registration in India. The registration number is assigned by the registering authority, which is usually the state government. The registration number is usually a combination of letters and numbers, and it is unique to each NGO.

The registration number is important because it is used to identify the NGO and to track its activities. It is also used to verify the authenticity of the NGO. For example, when an NGO applies for a grant, the grant-making organization will usually ask for the NGO’s registration number. This helps to ensure that the grant is going to a legitimate organization.

To find out the registration number of an NGO, you can contact the registering authority or you can visit the NGO’s website. The registration number is usually displayed on the NGO’s website.

  • Data Type: Literal